Hi Eivind,
the Datacard for the VIN You've written above is available. I will send it to You in PDF type tomorrow, because my Acrobat distiller at home has a malfunction.
As far as I can read the EPC (electronic parts catalogue), the tractor has the torque converter.
Please give me Your email adress in a mail or PN. (a GIF image of the datacard can be sent today)
The price of about 10.000,-EUR is too high in my opinion!
the Datacard for the VIN You've written above is available. I will send it to You in PDF type tomorrow, because my Acrobat distiller at home has a malfunction.
As far as I can read the EPC (electronic parts catalogue), the tractor has the torque converter.
Please give me Your email adress in a mail or PN. (a GIF image of the datacard can be sent today)
The price of about 10.000,-EUR is too high in my opinion!
406.120 '72, 440.161 '75, 440.167 '83
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